
Only in Biały Jar Residence we will order a masseur according to your personal expectations.
The mechanism of massage is very complicated and it can be divided into local (direct) and central (general).
The direct effect of massage is based on mechanical flow of blood in blood vessels and lymph in lympthatic vessels. Due to such techniques as: stroking, patting, rubbing, kneading or slapping the migration of the tissue fluids increases. The friction caused by the massage leads to the dilation of blood vessels and consequently to the increase of blood flow trough muscles, to the acceleration of nutritious substance delivery and the excretion of the products of metabolism. Intensive oxygen flow in tissues increases oxygen extraction in muscles leading to intensive disposal of the by-products of muscular activity.
The increase of blood flow to peripheral parts of the body has a positive influence on the work of heart and kidneys. The general effect of massage is based on stimulation of the nervous system, which through reflexes and coordinational activity of the cerebral cordex influences all organs and systems of the body. Stimuli carried to brain through nervous fibres cause intensive and better work of all body organs.